Support <3

In Spirit

"I'm proud of you, Kamari."

"Thank you, Kamari."

"I appreciate you, Kamari."

In Material

Money & Finance, like all things, is a form of energy; an energy, one would call value, that is alchemized in many ways, such as exerting one's laborious or cognitive energy in the world to yield the production of a product or service that is accepted as valueable.

The subjectivity of value results in viewing something being worth x amount of value over another.

With that in mind, the value Kamari provides comes from the heart, embodying the intent to be fair, balanaced, and empathic regardless of the task at hand or environment. And so, if one has the material means to support Kamari's journey in this life, then here is their Patreon membership. -K<3!